Define vitamin C and its role in the body.

Elevate Your Vitamin C Levels with Nutrient-Dense Foods

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin essential for various bodily functions. It acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting cells from damage caused by free radicals and supporting the immune system’s function. Vitamin C is crucial for the synthesis of collagen, a protein vital for skin, bones, and connective tissue health. It also aids in the absorption of iron and supports wound healing.

Found abundantly in fruits and vegetables such as oranges, strawberries, kiwi, bell peppers, and broccoli, vitamin C is a crucial nutrient that the body cannot produce on its own. Its deficiency can lead to scurvy, characterized by fatigue, swollen gums, and poor wound healing. While a balanced diet usually provides adequate vitamin C, supplementation may be necessary in certain cases, such as during pregnancy, illness, or for individuals with limited dietary intake. Overall, vitamin C plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and well-being.

Requierment :

Functions :

Vitamin C has long been hailed as a prevention and treatment mechanism for all kinds of acute infections, including the common cold. Vitamin C may play a role in both the prevention and treatment of pneumonia. Vitamin C may help support the heart and vascular system by protecting against endothelial dysfunction, preventing heart attacks, and countering the dangerous oxidation of blood lipids. Vitamin C may also play a role in HIV and cancer management.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that is perhaps best known for its ability to help ght colds and u. That’s because vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes potentially harmful organisms and enhances the immune system. Vitamin C helps promote healthy teeth and gums, aids in the absorption of iron, helps wound healing, and strengthens blood vessel walls.

Deficiency :

A severe form of vitamin C deficiency, known as scurvy, is characterized by general weakness, anemia, gum disease (gingivitis), and skin hemorrhage. Scurvy is seen more frequently in older, malnourished patients and is very rare. Smokers have higher vitamin C requirements because of smoking’s ability to increase oxidative stress, and deficiencies are more common in smokers than in non-smokers. Symptoms of vitamin C deficiency include dry and splitting hair, gingivitis, rough, dry skin, decreased wound healing rate, weakened tooth enamel, anemia, and a decreased ability to fight infections.

A deficiency of vitamin C can cause scurvy, a disease characterized by bleeding gums, loose teeth, anemia, joint tenderness and swelling, poor wound healing, dry skin, loss of appetite, frequent bruising, and weakness. Scurvy is very rare in the United States; marginally deficient levels of vitamin C, however, are sometimes seen among the elderly, hospitalized patients, and people on very restrictive diets. These individuals often are susceptible to infection and also have slow wound healing.

Food sources :

Vegetarian Sources :

A . Leafy green vegetables (per 100 grams) :

  1. Spinach: 28 mg
  2. Kale: 93 mg
  3. Swiss chard: 30 mg
  4. Collard greens: 35 mg
  5. Mustard greens: 70 mg
  6. Romaine lettuce: 18 mg
  7. Watercress: 43 mg

B. Amla: 600-800mg

C. Broccoli: 89 mg

D. Bell peppers (red): 127 mg

E. Kiwi: 92 mg

F. Broccoli: 89 mg

G. Brussels sprouts: 85 mg

H. Pineapple: 47 mg

I. Mango: 36 mg

J. Papaya: 61 mg

K. Guava: 228mg

L. Strawberry: 59 mg

Non-Vegetarian Sources (per 100 grams) :

A.Chicken Breast: 2.3 mg

B. Eggs: 0.1mg

C. Fish: 1 mg

Supplements :

  1. Vaamveda Tulsi Giloy Amla Curcumin Vitamin C Immunity Boosters

Over Dosage :

According to the Food and Nutrition Board, vitamin C toxicity is very rare, because the body cannot store the vitamin. However, amounts greater than 2,000 mg/day are not recommended because such high doses can lead to stomach upset and diarrhea. There is some concern about the link between high-dose vitamin C supplementation to an increased risk of calcium oxalate kidney stones, but other studies have refuted this link.

Conclusion :

So, the best choice is to eat a well-balanced diet and get these nutrients from food sources.

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