Define vitamin A and its role in the body.

Vitamin A vital: vision, immunity, skin health, mucous membranes protection.

1. Requierment :

2. Functions :

Vitamin A: Supports vision, immunity, skin health, antioxidants, fat metabolism, found in animal and plant sources.

3. Deficiency :

Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness, weakens immunity, stunts growth; treated with diet, supplements.

4. Food sources :

->Spinach: 4690 IU ->Kale: 6813 IU -> Swiss chard: 6116 IU ->Collard greens: 3333 IU ->Turnip greens:  3377 IU ->Mustard greens: 3024 IU ->Beet greens:  8717 IU ->Sweet Potato: 21909 IU ->Carrot: 18452 IU  ->Red bell pepper: 3727 IU  ->Papaya: 1530 IU  ->Mango: 1126 IU 

5. Over Dosage :

Excess vitamin A leads to hypervitaminosis A, causing toxicity symptoms. Caution advised, especially in pregnancy.

6. Supplements :

So, the best choice is to eat a well-balanced diet and get these nutrients from food sources.

7. Conclusion :