Define Vitamin B12 and its role in the body

Vitamin B12 is vital for health, found in animal products; deficiency causes anemia and neurological issues.

1. Requierment :

2. Functions :

Vitamin B12 crucial for health: blood, nerves, mood, fertility; prevent deficiency complications.

3. Deficiency :

B12 deficiency causes anemia, nerve damage; requires early detection, treatment via supplements, injections.

4. Food sources :

->Mussels: 24.0 mcg -> Guava: 0.6 mcg -> Liver (Chicken): 60.9 mcg -> Egg Yolks: 1.5 mcg -> Fish: 19 mcg -> Cheese: 3.3 mcg

5. Over Dosage :

Vitamin B12 safe at high doses, efficiently absorbed, excreted, consult healthcare professionals.

6. Supplements :

7. Conclusion :

So, the best choice is to eat a well-balanced diet and get these nutrients from food sources.