Define Vitamin B5 and its role in the body

Vitamin B5, vital for metabolism & cell function, found in meat, dairy, grains, prevents deficiency symptoms.

1. Requierment :

2. Functions :

Vitamin B5 aids metabolism, energy conversion, and stress relief; found in foods; deficiency rare but impactful.

3. Deficiency :

Pantothenic acid deficiency causes nausea, numbness, and muscle cramps; prevent with balanced diet.

4. Food sources :

-> Avocado: 1.4 mg -> Broccoli: 0.7 mg -> Sunflower seeds: 7.1mg -> Sweet potatoes: 0.7 mg -> Peanuts: 1.2 mg ->  Pumpkin seeds: 1.5 mg -> Chicken Breast: 5.3 mg -> Eggs: 1.4 mg

5. Over Dosage :

Pantothenic acid safe at 5-10mg/day; excess causes diarrhea; consult healthcare for high doses.

6. Supplements :

7. Conclusion :

So, the best choice is to eat a well-balanced diet and get these nutrients from food sources.