Define Vitamin B9 and its role in the body

Vitamin B9, crucial for cell division, found in leafy greens, prevents birth defects, and anemia.

1. Requierment :

2. Functions :

Folic acid aids red cell, DNA synthesis, prevents defects, heart risks, and enhances overall health.

3. Deficiency :

Folic acid deficiency causes varied symptoms, crucial for DNA synthesis and red blood cells.

4. Food sources :

-> kale: 144 mcg -> spinach: 200 mcg -> Papaya: 115 mcg ->  Avocado: 81 mcg ->  Broccoli: 63 mcg ->  Chickpeas: 180mcg -> Kidney Beans: 140 mcg -> Chicken liver: 300 mcg -> Eggs: 47 mcg

5. Over Dosage :

Low vitamin B9 levels impact health, requiring attention to prevent potential complications and ensure well-being.

6. Supplements :

7. Conclusion :

So, the best choice is to eat a well-balanced diet and get these nutrients from food sources.