Define vitamin C and its role in the body.

Vitamin C: Antioxidant, collagen synthesis, immune support; deficiency causes scurvy; found in fruits, vegetables.

1. Requierment :

2. Functions :

Vitamin C aids immunity, fights infections, supports heart health, and aids wound healing.

3. Deficiency :

Vitamin C deficiency leads to scurvy, rare in the US, affecting malnourished, elderly, and smokers.

4. Food sources :

->Kale: 93 mg ->Amla: 600-800mg ->Broccoli: 89 mg ->Bell peppers (red): 127 mg ->Kiwi: 92 mg ->Papaya: 61 mg -> Mustard greens: 70 mg

5. Over Dosage :

Vitamin C rarely toxic, excess causes stomach upset; potential kidney stone risk debated.

6. Supplements :

7. Conclusion :

So, the best choice is to eat a well-balanced diet and get these nutrients from food sources.