Turn White Hair to Black air – Ayurveda

Ayurvedic white hair care: Herbal oils, rinses, nutrition, stress relief for vitality, resilience, and health.

1. Rashayan Churan

Ayurvedic herbs like amla, Bhringrajasava aid hair health, prevent premature graying, maintain natural color.

Steps : 1 tbsp Rashayan Churan with honey 30 min before breakfast

2. Bhringrajasava :

Bhringrajasava in Ayurveda aids hair health, but not guaranteed for maintaining black hair color.

Steps : a. 4 tbsp Bhringrajasava with four tbsp water 30 min after breakfast b. 4 tbsp Bhringrajasava with four tbsp water 30 min after dinner

3. Use cast iron kitchenware:

Iron supports hair health, preventing loss, and help to alter natural color.

4. Onion :

Onion juice aids hair with sulfur, promoting growth and scalp health cautiously.

5. Protect Hair from heat :

Heat styling black hair offers versatility but risks damage; proper care essential for health.

6. Stress :